Friday 7 January 2011

Online Dating Tips

Anyone who might be in search for Mr. or Ms. Right need not look any further, because there are more unconventional means to meet a potential partner. One of them is through online dating. With the proliferation of websites that aim to connect two individuals with the same interests, hobbies and goals it is not impossible to find the right man or woman for you in no time

Of course, like any transactions in the world wide web, you must also take the necessary precautions in order to avoid any unfavourable experiences. Here are some online dating tips that will guarantee you a safe dating journey:

Tip #1 – Create a separate email address solely dedicated for the purpose of dating online. First of all, by doing this, it will be easier to manage and sort through emails as well as reply to the people whom you are trying to get to know. It is also safer to use this particular email address when opening a new account through a website dating service. This way, you are not endangering any personal information or communication that may be put at risk or compromised when you meet people online.

Tip #2 – Ask questions. Not only will this help you get to know the person more and to see if you share the same interests, but this also helps you test the person’s consistency. Try to analyze his or her answers and make sure you take mental notes in order to see the reliability and credibility of this person.

Tip #3- Try the paid dating websites. Although there might be some dating websites for free, the paid sites usually have a more intensive matchmaking capability compared to free sites. The good thing about these paid dating websites is that they have professionals that maintain their websites and develop matchmaking programs that will not waste your time in finding the right person. Consider this as an investment on your part.
Tip #4 – Do not give personal information right away. It is best you save this at a later date when you have gotten to know the person a bit more. It would help to ask for a lot of pictures or you can chat with your webcams on to make sure that you know the face you are talking to. Be careful in the information you give out and make sure that you don’t reveal too much too soon.

Tip #5 – Let a friend know of your online dating experience. It would be best to have somebody to confide in so that they can also give you advice and counsel as well as an unbiased view of the whole situation. Not only does a confidant keep you level-headed especially when it comes to these matters, but it also helps for someone else to be aware of who you’re communicating with in case the other person turns out to be a bad person.

These safety online dating tips will definitely help you find the right one without sacrificing your personal security.

How to Approach Beautiful Girls Now

Just imagine that you are strolling leisurely in a neighborhood park and a very gorgeous girl just walked past you. The girl is so beautiful that you just stood there stunned with your mind frantically thinking of how to approach her.

Alas, your mind is playing tricks on you and giving you thousand and one reason why you should not approach her because you are afraid of saying the wrong thing and screwing everything up. So you do nothing and then she is gone. You have just missed your chance to get to know her and the opportunity to date her.

Does this scenario sound familiar? I'll bet that it is because this kind of thing has happened to almost every man at some time or another and will continue to happen everyday. Think about it, if you let this happen all the time, how are you ever going to make friends or even have beautiful girlfriends?
Let me tell you something, these beautiful girls meet male strangers all the time. That girl that you just saw would have probably met a man who sold her a breakfast set earlier that morning for the first time or will soon meet a guy who is going to be her future boyfriend for the first time.

So why not let that lucky guy be you?
Get this straight guys, stunning beauties rarely if ever at all fall into your lap by chance. If you don't do anything to make friends with them, your chances of dating one of them are almost nil. So do you want to meet and date beautiful girls? If you do, then start approaching them.
You and I know that women are being approached by men all the time. However, it is that the most beautiful ones are left alone most of the time because of the irritating fears guys have on approaching beautiful girls. So these girls could ironically be very lonesome creatures waiting for someone like you to approach them and you could very well be the lucky chap. Oh, in this instance you are not because you did not do anything about it.

So what are you terrified of? At the most, she will just ignore you and this probably will not happen unless you happened to approach someone in a bad hair day. Okay, let's say that she ignores you, so what is the big deal? It is not as if it is the end of the world, isn't it?
Do you know something? If you keep your gap shut, all that you are doing is telling beautiful girls that you are a weak wussy and girls are not attracted to wussies, but confident men who have the courage to approach them.

So can you stop scaring yourself silly about all the bad things that you think will happen when you try to approach beautiful girls? Why terrify yourself over some silly things that probably are not going happen and missing the chances of knowing and dating beautiful girls?
What you need to do now is to get your hands on some materials to learn how to approach beautiful girls and start doing it now.

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Where to Pick Up Women

In your journey to become an expert at picking up women, you’ve worked on improving your appearance, your self-confidence, heck, your life in general … now you are completely ready to take the next step – meeting women.
Probably your next question is where do you go about doing this? Where exactly do you meet women anyway? It is fun for me to question long-time couples about where they met. The answers vary from a safari in Africa to having grown up next door to one another.
However, those answers aren’t necessarily going to help you when you want to know where to go to meet women. Here’s the top three places I recommend guys go to meet women.
1. The neighborhood coffee shop. There are a few different reasons I have this at the top of the list. One – it’s in your neighborhood and so the chance of meeting someone with similar values and styles is increased. If you have a big sprawling house in the suburbs, then you are going to meet women who like that area for whatever reason. If you live downtown, then the women you meet at the neighborhood coffeeshop are going to share similar interests and values, which drew them to this area. In addition, it is a casual, environment where it is natural for strangers to talk to one another. The third reason I love coffee shops it that they are usually places where repeat customers go, which gives you a chance to gradually build up to asking a woman for a date. For example, if you see an intriguing woman at 9:30 a.m. on a Monday, make sure you are at that coffee shop the next week at the same time. During the first encounter smile and say hello and see what her reaction is. If it is very positive, you can initiate a conversation right then. If she smiles back, but seems shy, make sure you show up again the following week and keep the momentum building.

2. The market. I live in a big city and happen to live near a university. Because I have a main squeeze, I actually try to avoid going to the market on Sunday nights, because it is packed with single college kids shopping. It is a virtual meat market. There are hot looking young people everywhere. If me and my gal ever split, I’d make sure to schedule all my shopping for Sunday nights. It is easy to start a conversation. Get next to someone and ask her opinion about any product in front of you. A super easy way to strike up a conversation.

3. The Laundromat. I’m pretty sure my gal and I had a few misses, but close encounters, because after we met, we both discovered that the previous year we had frequented the same tiny Laundromat in our big city. Even if you have a washer and dryer at home, you can take advantage of the Laundromat’s large machines to do blankets or whatever or just lie and say your machine at home is broken. Dress casually but nice, bring an interesting book or journal and plant yourself at a Laundromat near a college or near a known singles area.

How to Tell a Girl Likes You

She’s gorgeous and all you want in the world right now is for her to like you. You’ve given it your best shot and know you want to know if you’ve got a chance. There are quite a few ways to tell if a girl like you. Some of them are told by body language alone, as you’ll see by reading some of the signs of interests I’ve listed below. Here are 10 signs that she likes you:

1. She mimics your body language. What I mean by this is if you cross your legs, she’ll cross hers. Do you run your fingers through your hair? She’ll do the same. Are you taking a drink of your wine? She will, too. The funny thing is, most of this is unconscious behavior. She would probably be mortified if she knew she was sending out signals as clear as this. Because for anyone who knows about body language, they are as obvious, as can be.

2. She touches you. She touches your arm, your leg or your hands. Anything. Any type of touch could be an indication that she is interested and likes you. This includes bumping into you, grabbing you for support if she lost her balance, those types of things.

3. Her pupils are large. This indicates a sign of sexual attraction. Along with the old-fashioned, but accurate signal of fluttering her eyelashes at you. Both signs. In addition, heavy eye contact is usually a great indicator. If she’s not interested, she’s not going to make much eye contact with you.

4. Laughs at your dumb jokes. If she laughs at something even you know is somewhat dumb. Well, she likes you. If she didn’t like you, trust me, she’s not going to laugh at your joke even if it is hilarious.

5. She crosses her legs or her feet and knees are pointed toward you. That means she likes being with you and likes you. If her feet and legs or knees are aiming toward the door, she wants to escape from you and your conversation.

6. She languidly runs her fingers through her hair. She’s attracted to you. It is also sometimes a sign of nervousness, but generally when a girl plays with her hair it is because she likes you.

7. Is she really listening to what you are saying or does she appear distracted and continues to look away. If she is a rapt listener, she probably likes you. If she’s more interested in the game, you’re out of luck.

8. She offers to let you taste or try her drink. This is a big sign she likes you. No girl who doesn’t like you is going to let your mouth near where hers touches.

9. She wants to know if you are single. If she didn’t like you, believe me she wouldn’t care. She may try to find this out in less than obvious ways, maybe even covert glances at your ring finger.
10. She licks her lips. She not only likes you, she’s anticipating your kiss. Go get em, boy.

Friday 31 December 2010


Do this and don’t do that. The dating world has a sometimes unspoken set of rules that must be followed to find success in your love life. Or do they? What rules? You know there is a book about “The Rules” women should follow, but men also have some rules that can be broken. Let’s talk about breaking the rules. Let’s take a look at the times you can throw way some of the “rules” and still end up with the girl of your dreams. In fact, there are times when the rules should be broken. Here are some rules and why you should break them.

Don’t Get Serious Too Soon
One major taboo in the dating world is to lay all your cards on the table about how you feel. Even if it was a lightning bolt love at first sight encounter, you are told to never let the cat out of the bag. I disagree. I say if you are both googly eyed in love and spending every second together and you know deep in your heart it is mutual, then by all means tell her how you feel. Part of falling in love successfully is showing that you can be vulnerable.

Wait Two Days to Call
A standard rule of thumb among all the guys I know is to wait at least two days before you call a girl you just met. I say throw that rule in the trash. If you want to call her, then by all means to do. Here’s my theory on this, which has proven true over and over again: If she likes you, believe me, she is going to be ecstatic if you call her the next day to tell her you were thinking about her cute smile or her great laugh. If she doesn’t like you, you’re right, calling her the next day or later that night is going to destroy any chances you had. It’s not going to work. She’s going to be turned off and not interested by the call. But here’s the kicker – you didn’t stand a chance anyway. Better to know early on, than waste your time.
Don’t Do Dinner and a Movie on Your First Date

Even I preach this rule, but there are exceptions to every rule. I say part of this rule is right – definitely don’t go to a movie. You will have no time to get to know each other and it is a waste of time. Here’s how I think the dinner rule should be broken: Do dinner together, but not at a restaurant. DO it at her place, or preferably – yours. A really great date is to have her meet you and then go shopping together for ingredients for supper. Then take her to your place and impress her with your culinary skills. (Every single guy out there should know how to make one great dish. If you don’t, then get cracking.)
So here are a few times when it is OK to break the rules. If done correctly, you will find success in your dating life.

Have a Pleasant First Date Experience

What are your first date experiences? Did you feel stressful just to keep up with the conversations and the pressure of what to do and where to go? Or did you find your first dates pleasant and fun?
For many people, first dates can be very stressful especially so if you have not met each other before and is meeting your date for the first time. The pressure comes from not knowing the other party well and so you are afraid of saying or doing the wrong things that may annoy your date for the evening.
If that described you, hey, let your hair down and relax buddy. This is because your date may be just as tensed as you are for the same reasons and if both of you held back for fear of making mistakes, both of you will go home with nothing pretty much to talk about and the date will end up as a bad experience and even if you liked each other, there probably will not be a second date.

So take the pressure off from yourself so that you and your date can get to know each other better and making it an enjoyable experience for the both of you. Treat the date as if you are on an outing with a good old friend and do what you will do with the old friend and all the pressures will be off.
Although you can treat your date like an outing with an old friend, there is a line to be drawn on first dates. Because you are meeting this person for the first time, you may want to find out more about him or her and if too many personal questions were asked, your date may feel like you are interrogating him or her. So you should just banter about neutral subjects like talking about a movie or a book you have recently read.
This means that you should not delve too much into your date's personal life. It takes time to build friendship and bonding and if you are too nosy, you may turn your date off. So there are some taboo subjects you should avoid.

For starters, do not talk about financial matters. While you are discussing the work that you do, there is no need to talk about your investments or your financial problems. Most of all, do not discuss how much you earn or your date's salary. If you do, your date will see you as a loser either way because if you brag about how much you earn, you will be seen as being a conceited show off and if you lament about how little you earn, you will be seen as a negative low self-esteem person.

Another taboo subject you should not talk about is your previous relationships. Just put yourself into your date's shoes. What if your date goes on the whole night talking about his or her previous relationship, how will you feel then? The answer is obvious isn't it?

If your date were to ask you whether you are divorced or how long you have been single, there is nothing wrong with being honest and upfront about your status. That is just being honest and candid. However, you need not go into the details or bad mouth the person involved in your previous relationship because it will raise all kinds of red flags for your date.

So just relax, banter about some non controversial subjects such as travel experiences, hobbies and interesting current affairs besides politics and religion, your first date will certainly be a very pleasant experience.

Easy Step-By-Step Online Dating Tips

The search is over. You can’t imagine what relief these words might bring to lonely single people out there who are on the lookout for the perfect mate for them. If you want a whole new experience in the dating world, then why not try dating online site and look for some online dating tips that can help you get started in this journey.

The good thing about online dating is that you have the opportunity to regulate your meetings and communication depending on your scale of readiness. If you feel it is going too fast, then you can always defer the communication and rely on site features to excuse yourself without appearing rude. On the other hand, if you are in a hurry to find the right one, then all you have to do is to be really active in these sites, while bearing in mind some of these online dating tips:

1. Create an email specifically for your online dating activities. The purpose of this is so that any communication or feedback from your matches or from the site itself will not get mixed up with the rest of your work and personal email.

2. Look for a site that is right for you. There are free and paid websites for online dating. The beauty of free sites is that you can try and experience this for free, while going on to the next level, which is signing up for a paid website will allow you access to some of their amazing features that allows for more accurate searches and matches.

3. Sign-up on this online dating site. There is no rule that you should only sign up for one site so you can actually create an account in several different sites. Of course you would need to ensure that you are able to closely monitor each of the following accounts you have created.
4. Create and complete your profile. Your profile will be the first thing that potential mates will see, therefore you should make it appear as interesting as possible. Try to reveal some interesting facts about yourself without disclosing any crucial or sensitive issues about you.

5. Spruce up that profile with a nice picture. Choose a profile photo that shows the real you and not one that is fully covered up with make-up accessories or other phony things. Make it appear as natural as possible so you won’t appear intimidating to potential profile viewers.

6. Some sites actually allow you to write the traits you are looking for in a partner. Be specific without appearing too picky. Try to answer and complete all of the questions and surveys being asked of you.
7. Be active. This actually means two things: be active in answering queries as well as be active in using the site features. It is important that you put yourself out there once you start dating online.
Like any ordinary dating circumstances, you must allow yourself to get to know this person more before proceeding to more serious steps. Make sure that you take note of these online dating tips and you are on your way towards finding the man or woman of your dreams.